Cherry, Lullabies and New Language Series, 2016, Porcelain, fur, skull, 25x34x24 inches
Cherry, Lullabies and New Language Series
Cherry, Lullabies and New Language Series
Cherry, Lullabies and New Language Series, detail
The Garden, Lullabies and New Language Series, 2016, Porcelain, moss, 13x12x12 inches
The Garden, Lullabies and New Language Series, detail
The Garden, Lullabies and New Language Series
Mythologies of the Future, Lullabies and New Language Series. Porcelain, wood, neon light, fur, 6x2x2 feet
The Hunt, Lullabies and New Language Series, 2016, Porcelain, bone, fur, 12x11x11 inches
The Hunt, Lullabies and New Language Series, detail
The Hunt, Lullabies and New Language Series
Cherry, Lullabies and New Language Series, 2016, Porcelain, fur, skull, 25x34x24 inches
Cherry, Lullabies and New Language Series, 2016, Porcelain, fur, skull, 25x34x24 inches

Copyright © 2020 Terra Goolsby, All rights reserved.

Cherry, Lullabies and New Language Series
Cherry, Lullabies and New Language Series
Cherry, Lullabies and New Language Series
Cherry, Lullabies and New Language Series
Cherry, Lullabies and New Language Series, detail
Cherry, Lullabies and New Language Series, detail
The Garden, Lullabies and New Language Series, 2016, Porcelain, moss, 13x12x12 inches
The Garden, Lullabies and New Language Series, 2016, Porcelain, moss, 13x12x12 inches
The Garden, Lullabies and New Language Series, detail
The Garden, Lullabies and New Language Series, detail
The Garden, Lullabies and New Language Series
The Garden, Lullabies and New Language Series
Mythologies of the Future, Lullabies and New Language Series. Porcelain, wood, neon light, fur, 6x2x2 feet
Mythologies of the Future, Lullabies and New Language Series. Porcelain, wood, neon light, fur, 6x2x2 feet
The Hunt, Lullabies and New Language Series, 2016, Porcelain, bone, fur, 12x11x11 inches
The Hunt, Lullabies and New Language Series, 2016, Porcelain, bone, fur, 12x11x11 inches
The Hunt, Lullabies and New Language Series, detail
The Hunt, Lullabies and New Language Series, detail
The Hunt, Lullabies and New Language Series
The Hunt, Lullabies and New Language Series